Infectious is an emotionally complex, physically startling drama that drags the darker elements of humanity to the foreground. In 1960, a strange and compelling man (Steve) from the North shakes up the monotony of a small Mississippi town when he stumbles across a grief-stricken, overwhelmed-by-life widow (Vivian). Just as Vivian learns the opportunities New York may have to offer, a crazed stranger shows up on her doorstep looking for Steve. Does corruption eventually take us all? Where is the line between responsibility and independence? How can you tell the difference between Love and Lust when your life is in shambles? Infectious explores human relationships in a way that focuses on the many shades of grey that fall between black and white.
Cast Size: 5 roles with 3M/2F.
Running Time: 90 minutes.
Royalty Rate: $50.00 per performance
Appropriate for college and mature audiences.