A play from Leslie Tanner!
A Narrator appears onstage to begin the production of Twisted Tales only to be bombarded by a new Stage Manager who has been hired to make the play run smoothly. He is met with opposition at every turn, from stage hands not doing their jobs and having to become set pieces, to actors mixing up their cues and eating the props. Meanwhile the actors are humorously acting out three mixed up fairytales: The 3 Little Riding Hood Pigs, Cinderella and the Beanstalk, Rapunzel and the 7 Dwarfs. Will the stage manager and actors pull off a successful show? As Cinderella says, “You have to believe in magic!”
Cast Size: Gender flexible, double casting, ensemble roles, 15-40 actors possible.
Running Time: 35-45 minutes.
Royalty Rate: $50.00 per performance.
Appropriate for all ages.